Kids Collaborative is a Paediatric Nursing Service based in NSW that I started in 2019 as a Clinical Nursing Consultant following 30 years experience in caring for children and young people with a variety of disabilities.
My aim is to make a positive difference in the lives of children with complex medical needs or disabilities and their families by offering assessments and continence education services that are often difficult to find in the community but play a very important part in supporting families.
My services include Paediatric Continence Assessments and Independent Nursing Assessments for NDIS participants who are Plan or Self-Managed as well as Nursing Assessments for Medicolegal purposes for children with complex medical needs and disabilities.
In 2025 I have plans to launch my own Podcast which will cover many different topics about childhood disability that will be useful for families and will include interviews with parents and professionals alike. Stay tuned for more details to come!
Who is Jodie from Kids Collaborative?
I have spent the majority of my career working in the area of disability, primarily paediatric disability but also have had experience in adult rehabilitation and aged care. My specialty areas include spinal cord injury, brain injury, cerebral palsy and spina bifida as well as in surgical, trauma, pain management, complex discharge planning and enteral and parenteral nutrition. In 2003 I led the development of the Paediatric Outreach Service (now known as Hospital in the Home) in one of the tertiary Children's Hospitals in Sydney. I have a keen interest in developmental and neurodiverse conditions such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, ADHD, Global Developmental Delay, Intellectual Disability and those with Rare Conditions and how services can be better tailored to the needs of these children.
In 2023 I joined the team of volunteers with Taking Paediatrics Abroad to offer online education and support for our nursing colleagues working with children with complex needs in the South Pacific.
The depth of experience and skills I have gained from these respective senior nursing positions, my caring nature and the ability to connect with children of all ages and their families has seen Kids Collaborative grow exponentially over the past five years.
What's with the elephants in the logo?
Elephants are herd animals. As a community they help raise and protect their young. They look out for and help support each other. Kids Collaborative has a 'herd' philosophy - by supporting you and your 'herd' to care for your child we hope that they may continue to grow up to be happy and healthy little people, surrounded by those who love them. There is a proverb that says, 'it takes a village to raise a child' and this is never truer when you have children with unique or complex needs.
Bring on the herd!
Professional Standards
Kids Collaborative is committed to providing a professional paediatric nursing care service which is underpinned by best practice guidelines, have all the relevant registrations (AHPRA) and checks (including Working with Children and Police Record Checks) and have comprehensive insurance cover. All care is delivered in collaboration with your child’s GP, Paediatrician, Urologist, Specialists, Allied Health Team, Nurses and other health professionals as required to ensure only the best and most appropriate care is delivered for you and your child.
I maintain my professional development and is a member of the following organisations to keep up to date with my practice :
AHPRA (Australia Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) #NMW0001376645
NSWNA - NSW Nurses Association
AusACPDM - Australian Academy of Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Medicine
SCIA - Spinal Cord Injuries Australia
CFA - Continence Foundation of Australia
CoNSA - Continence Nurses Society Australia
ANZUNS - Australia and New Zealand Urological Nurses Society
ICCS - International Children's Continence Society
PANDDA - Professional Association of Nurses in Developmental Disability Australia Inc.
RArEST - Rare Diseases Awareness, Education, Support and Training
NCS - Nurse Continence Specialists in Private Practice (Chair)
Agency for Clinical Innovation Networks (ACI) :
Transition Network (Executive Team Member)
Paediatrics Network
Rehabilitation Network
Spinal Cord Injury Network
Intellectual Disability Network
Thanks for visiting my Kids Collaborative site.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Kindest Regards,